ISSN 0862-5468 (Print), ISSN 1804-5847 (online) 

Publication Policy

Ceramics-Silikaty is an open-access journal providing a publication forum for original research related to glass, ceramics and non-metallic materials. Both theoretical and experimental papers will be welcomed on a fully international basis, but all papers must be written in acceptable English (either British or US, but not a mixture of these two).

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Submitted manuscripts undergo an editorial pre-review, in which clearly unacceptable papers may be preselected beforehand within a short time, followed by the journal's standard peer-review process, after which they may be accepted (usually after minor or major revision) or rejected based on the opinion of two reviewers. Authors grant the journal full copyright and the exclusive license to publish the article. The journal is thus the original and exclusive publisher of this article.

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Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS & University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
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