ISSN 0862-5468 (Print), ISSN 1804-5847 (online) 

Ceramics-Silikáty 42, (3) 119 - 124 (1998)

Šimurka Peter 1, Liška Marek 2, Antalík Jozef 3
1 LR CRYSTAL, j.s.c., 020 61 Lednické Rovne, Slovak Republic
2 Joint Glass Labs of Faculty of Industrial Technologies, University Trenčín and Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of SAS, M. Rázusa 10, 911 01 Trenčín, Slovak Republic
3 Faculty of Chemical Technology, Slovak Technical Universiry, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

The viscosity, liquidus and glass transition temperatures, refractive index, and the hydrolytic resistance are reported for 15 glass samples of the title glass system. Using the non-linear regression analysis, the temperature and compositional dependence of viscosity was expressed by the mixed polynomial representation (of the individual oxides mole fractions) of the A, B and T0 coefficients of the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation. The compositional dependencies of the other properties studied were described by the mixed polynomials of both the weight and mole fractions of individual oxides. The obtained results were used in two ways i) the glass composition optimization with respect to the lowering of the stemware glass production cost; ii) the structural role of the individual oxides estimation based on their influence on the studied properties. The present work illustrates the possibility and methodology of the simultaneous use of the same experimental data set for both technological and fundamental research.

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