Ceramics-Silikáty 49, (4) 230 - 236 (2005) |
Palou Martin 1, Majling Ján 1, Dováľ Martin 1,
Kozanková Jana 1,
Mojumdar Subbash Chandra 2 |
1 Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology,
Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2 Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada,
M-20, 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada
Keywords: Hydration rate, Gehlenite hydrate, Ettringite, Monosulphate, Stability |
The present experimental work characterizes different kinetic regimes and crystallohydrate products of the hydration reaction
in C₂AS–C₄A₃S–CS–C₂S–C system, relevant to Sulfoaluminate Belite Cement (SAB). In the given system, two associations
of phases (I and II) were identified, each is composed of 4 minerals, as well as two singular points with 3 minerals (S1, S2)
and a single point of gehlenite (P1). The computational method established that the hydration products are gehlenite hydrate
and ettringite. The ratio of these two crystallohydrates depends on the mineralogical composition in the given phase associations.
The hydration reaction of this system is a heterogeneous and non-equilibrium solid phase transformation forming from
an anhydrous solid phases to crystallohydrate phases in the presence of water. The advantage and complexity of this heterogeneous
process is that during hydration heat is evolved and the paste sets and hardens limiting thus the dissolution of primary
anhydrous phases and ion transport. Then the reaction is at great extent retarded. Some primary hydration products
(C–S–H, AH₃, CH) convert through secondary reactions to the gehlenite hydrate, thermodynamically more stable. Eight samples
were prepared along gehlenite hydrate - ettringite composition. Apart from the single gehlenite point, ettringite is formed
at the beginning of reaction in all samples, but over the time and under the non-equilibrium conditions it was decomposed to
monosulphate. After 28 - day curing at high temperature and under saturated stream pressure, gehlenite hydrate was identified
by SEM. The intensity of hydration reaction from calorimetric measurements depends on the content of C₄A₃S in the mixtures. |
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