ISSN 0862-5468 (Print), ISSN 1804-5847 (online) 

Ceramics-Silikáty 51, (1) 24 - 29 (2007)

Valášková Marta, Sihma Martynková Gražyna, Matějka Vlastimil, Kratošová Gabriela
Institute of Materials Chemistry, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172

Keywords: Powders-chemical preparation, De-intercalation, X-ray diffraction, Kaolinite, Structural application

Five well and poor ordered kaolinites were studied to explore structural changes of kaolinite/formamide intercalates and deintercalates. These materials were evaluated using the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) supplement with scanning electron microscope (SEM), measurement of specific surface area (SSA) and particle size distribution (PSD). The XRPD of de-intercalated kaolinites exhibit: (1) diffractions of 7 A kaolinite, some remaining 10 A kaolinite/formamide complex and an additional 8.4 A phase, (2) lower one-layer thickness of de-intercalated 7 A kaolinite than before formamide treatment, (3) changes in the (02, 11) diffraction band indicating structural disorder in the a, b plane. The chemical activation of kaolinites using formamide creates kaolinites with smaller and more homogenous particles and higher SSA than were observed in the original ones.

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