ISSN 0862-5468 (Print), ISSN 1804-5847 (online) 

Ceramics-Silikáty 53, (1) 59 - 62 (2009)

Vítová Marie, Matoušek Ivo
Technical University of Liberec, Department of Glass Producing Machines and Robotics Studentská 2, 461 17 Liberec, Czech Republic

Keywords: Rheological properties of glass, Isothermal compression method, Shear-thinning effect

In the paper viscous-elastic responses of silica glasses with different chemical compositions (Lead crystal, Crystal glass, Float glass and Container glass) are evaluated. For measurement of rheological properties of investigated glass melts the uniaxial compression method was used. Cylindrical glass samples were compressed with constant speed between two parallel flat forming tools under isothermal conditions in the furnace of a special design. Experiments were performed at temperatures corresponding to the Newtonian viscosity 107.47 Pas. Constant speeds of moving plunger were chosen from the range 0.05 to 4 mm/s. On the basis of realised experiments, the elastic and viscous characteristics including shear-thinning effect at the mentioned viscosity were identified.

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