ISSN 0862-5468 (Print), ISSN 1804-5847 (online) 

Ceramics-Silikáty 55, (3) 214 - 220 (2011)

Malou Zahra 1,2, Hamidouche Mohamed 1,2, Bouaouadja Noureddine 2, Fantozzi Gilbert 3
1 Unité de recherche Matériaux Emergents, Université Ferhat Abbas 19000 Sétif, Algérie
2 Laboratoire des Matériaux Non Métalliques, Institut d’Optique et Mécanique de précision, Université Ferhat Abbas 19000 Sétif, Algérie
3 MATEIS, UMR CNRS 5510, INSA de Lyon, 69621 Villeurbanne, France

Keywords: Soft thermal shock, Severe thermal shock, Glass, Mechanical strength, Weibull analysis

Comparatively to the as received soda lime glass samples, the strength distribution after thermal shocks showed the appearance of a second branch in the Weibull curves. This branch is observed for temperature differences (∆T) equal or higher than the critical temperature difference (∆Tc) for both water and motor oil cooling baths. The dispersion is more spread out in these two baths in comparison with the olive oil bath probably because of more pronounced slow crack growth effect. The Weibull modulus varies according to the used cooling bath and the considered temperature difference. In the case of thermal shock caused by air blast cooling at T = 20°C, a bimodal distribution is observed for only the critical state. The initial cracking time, obtained by acoustic emission, corresponds to the unstable propagation of the most critical defect. The number of cracks induced by thermal shock is proportional to the number of acoustic events.

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