ISSN 0862-5468 (Print), ISSN 1804-5847 (online) 

Ceramics-Silikáty 64, (3) 299 - 309 (2020)

Tchekwagep Jean Jacques Kouadjo, Wang Shoude, Mukhopadhyay Anol K, Huang Shifeng, Cheng Xin
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Preparation and Measurement of Building Materials, University of Jinan, Shandong 250022, China

Keywords: Sulfoaluminate cement concrete, High temperatures, Change strength characteristics, Compressive strength

The compressive strength, modulus and stress-strain behaviour of rapid-hardening sulfoaluminate cement concrete were evaluated as functions of the temperature increase. The compressive strength decreased from 51.3 to 31.1 MPa (around a 39% reduction) as the temperature increased from 20 ̊C to 300 ̊C while the specimens burst at 400 ˚C before being removed from the furnace. A significant change in the stress-strain behaviour was noticed with an increasing temperature. For the control specimens (20 ̊C), linear elastic behaviour was followed by plastic deformation before reaching the peak stress prior to failure, but for higher temperatures, the modulus of elasticity was up to 85% lower and was characterised by a gradually decreasing slope until failure. The micro-structural changes detected by SEM, DTG/TG and XRD were consistent with this pattern. The degree of cracking at the interfacial transition zone and crack-width growth detected by SEM followed a clear trend with the increasing temperature. The transformation of the primary hydration products (e.g., ettringite and Al(OH)₃) as detected by XRD and DTG/TG provides a useful explanation of the strength reduction with the increasing temperature up to 300 ̊C. The vapour pressure evolvement within the specimens at elevated temperatures correlates well with the reduced strength and modulus of elasticity, with a very intense effect at 400̊C

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doi: 10.13168/cs.2020.0019
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