Ke stanovení hodnot ΔfG⁰, ΔfH⁰ a S⁰ C₆AS₃H₃₂, C₄ASH₁₂ a C₄ACH₁₁ bylo
využito reakčních entalpií a rovnovážných teplot reakcí
C₆AS₃H₃₂(s) = C₄ASH₁₂(s) ⁺ 2 CSH0,5(s) + 10 H(l)
C₄ASH₁₂(s) = C₃AH₆(s) + CS(s) + 6 H(l)
C₄ACH₁₁(s) = CC(s) + C₃AH₆(s) + 5 H(l)
a hodnoty ΔfG⁰ (C₃AH₆), kterou stanovil Nikušenko.
C₆AS₃H₃₂: ΔfG⁰ = -15 202.00 kJmol⁻¹, ΔfH⁰ = -17 527.7 kJmol⁻¹, S⁰ = 1 916.73 JK⁻¹mol⁻¹,
C₄ASH₁₂: ΔfG⁰ = -7 779.86 kJmol⁻¹, ΔfH⁰ = -8 752.1 kJmol⁻¹, S⁰ = 816.06 JK⁻¹mol⁻¹,
C₄ACH₁₁: ΔfG⁰ = -7 348.55 kJmol⁻¹, ΔfH⁰ = 8 241.0 kJmol⁻¹, S⁰ = 717.52 JK⁻¹mol⁻¹.
Součiny rozpustnosti studovaných látek vypočtené z nalezených hodnot ΔfG⁰
s použitím hodnoty ΔfG⁰ (Al(OH)⁻₄), kterou stanovil Nikušenko, jsou v uspokojivém souhlasu s hodnotami, které byly nalezeny přímým měřením.
The reaction enthalpies and equilibrium temperatures of the reactions
C₆AS₃H₃₂(s) = C₄ASH₁₂(s) ⁺ 2 CSH0,5(s) + 10 H(l)
C₄ASH₁₂(s) = C₃AH₆(s) + CS(s) + 6 H(l)
C₄ACH₁₁(s) = CC(s) + C₃AH₆(s) + 5 H(l)
and the value of ΔfG⁰ (C₃AH₆), determined by Nikushenko, were used to establish the values of ΔfG⁰, ΔfH⁰ and S⁰ for C₆AS₃H₃₂, C₄ASH₁₂ and C₄ACH₁₁.
C₆AS₃H₃₂: ΔfG⁰ = -15 202.00 kJmol⁻¹, ΔfH⁰ = -17 527.7 kJmol⁻¹, S⁰ = 1 916.73 JK⁻¹mol⁻¹,
C₄ASH₁₂: ΔfG⁰ = -7 779.86 kJmol⁻¹, ΔfH⁰ = -8 752.1 kJmol⁻¹, S⁰ = 816.06 JK⁻¹mol⁻¹,
C₄ACH₁₁: ΔfG⁰ = -7 348.55 kJmol⁻¹, ΔfH⁰ = 8 241.0 kJmol⁻¹, S⁰ = 717.52.
The solubility products of the subst ances in question, calculated from the values of ΔfG⁰ with the use of the ΔfG⁰ value found for Al(OH)⁻⁻ by Nikushenko, are in satisfactory agreement with the values determined by direct measurement.